Friday, April 22, 2011

The 2011 Andover Annual Town Meeting – 7:PM, April, 27th & 28th

Plan to Arrive Early
All Town Meeting attendees must be checked into the meeting in the lobby of Andover High School on April 27th and 28th (and in the lobby of the Collins Center on May 2nd, if a third night is needed). Voters must check in at their precinct table. To avoid delays at check in, please check your precinct prior to Town Meeting. Click here to find out what precinct you live in.

Voters: Only voters who registered by the deadline (April 7th) will be allowed to vote at this Town Meeting. Voters will receive a sticker that must be worn in a visible location on their person to vote.

Non-Voters: Non-voters may attend Town Meeting and will be seated in a special section. Non-voters must check in at the Town Clerk’s table in the lobby to register before being seated. Please be aware that non-voters will not be seated until after 7:00 p.m. when they are voted admittance by the Meeting.

Children: Children may enter the meeting as non-voters. See above. Parents must attend small children during the meeting and sit with them in the designated non-voter section. Voters (with visible stickers) in the non-voters section may cast votes. Please notify the section counter if you are a voter in the non-voter section. No children or non-voters may sit in the registered voter sections.

Parking: There are four parking lots available:
1. West Middle School Lot
2. Main Lot at the High School
3. Lot beside the Field House
4. Collins Center Lot

Transportation: A shuttle bus will run from the parking lot on Red Spring Road and will make a loop through the West Middle School parking lot on nights one and two. Shuttle service will start at 6:15 P.M.

Handicap Parking: Handicap parking can be found on the side of the Collins Center as well as other areas of the parking lots.

Additional Information

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